• Legal Education with a Difference
  • Transforming The Legal Systems of Tomorrow
  • Pakistan’s Premier Network for Legal Education
  • Admissions are in progress
  • Prioritising Personality Grooming as our Forte

QLC Research Society

It is a well-known fact that we live in a country where information technology is not spreading as rapidly as it should. A limited number of institutes promote education through computer technology. We law students need to broaden our horizons and find new ways to spread legal education. The aim of our research society is to promote legal education in Pakistan through the use of the World Wide Web and to show the world that "Yes, WE EXIST! Yes, WE CAN!"

The Quaid-e-Azam Law College (QLC) research society was formed by three students with the help and guidance of the honorable dean of Quaid-e-Azam Law College Lahore. At first, it seemed like an uphill task, but things got easier along the way. Quaid-e-Azam Law College takes pride in providing "Legal Education with a Difference," and the QLC research society shares the same aim. We are bent upon promoting education through information technology and will strive to achieve our goal.

Search for a legal topic on Google, and you will find thousands of articles that have been submitted by law students from all over the world, especially from India, the U.K., and the USA. We are out to prove that the law students of Pakistan are no less than the students of India or the USA. Pakistanis have the potential to succeed, but it is unknown to the world. We cannot sit still whenever other countries call Pakistan a Third World country. Promoting legal education is not the sole aim of the research society. One of our main aims is to prove to the whole world that we are no longer a Third-World country and that we will prove our worth.

Web: www.qlcrs.com
E-mail: qlcrs@qlcrs.com, qlcresearchsociety@gmail.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/qlcresearchsociety